Hand Painted

I love Etsy, some of the work there is fantastic. I did register and add some products but it is a site you would want to be working on full time, adding products and promoting them. My two websites already keep me very busy so Etsy just hasn't evolved for me. It leads me into my hand painted products as Etsy would have been a great place to exhibit and sell them, unfortunately it didn't exist then. I have hand painted- T-shirts, door knobs, vases, greeting cards, chairs, and toilet seats, yes, loo seats! In the early nineties Ireland wasn't exactly a hot bed for designer goods, but one lady had set up a designer interior shop called - Presents Of Mind. It probably was one of the first of its kind in Dublin. I had hand painted some vases and plates as gifts for friends and had such a good response, I thought I would produce them as a product to sell. I approached Presents Of Mind and, bingo, I had my first order. Nothing sold for six weeks and she was about to ask me...