The week that wasn't!

Above- How I fell this week! Last week everything was geat I was on a roll, creativity and sales were on a high. Well, I took a little dive this week, I had to dump my growth chart illustration that I had been working on and in the process lost over a weeks work, it drives me crazy when this happens! To add to this my seo company have not been doing the seo work they had claimed they were doing on my .com site selling nursery art ! Sometimes I could pull my hair out! On the upside, I have started on a new idea for my next growth chart illustration and have a great idea for a second growth chart, so everything isn't so black! It is good to struggle with a drawing as it makes your next one better. (I hope!) Relating to a blog post I did earlier about getting a licensing agent, I haven't done much on that front yet, but did add a page to my website about licensing my art . Please take a look.