
Showing posts from May, 2013

Gift4Baby on Etsy

Some samples of my personalised art gifts and baby gifts from my new Etsy shop. Would love you to drop in and add me to your favourites!

Personalsied Christening Art

My new website Gifts4Baby will be selling only my personalised baby art gifts . My most popular product, is the nursery art personalised with baby's name. date of birth, mum's name, dad's name, sister and brother's name. I also add hospital and home address. You can leave out some of this information and you can add extra information if you like.  These personalised art prints are really popular for Christenings, new baby, 1st birthdays and any other baby celebration that you want to remember with a keepsake! I hand personalise each print and with images featuring some of your kids favorite animals, there is a nice choice of gifts to choose from. My personalised art gifts will help decorate a new nursery, a playroom or a kids  bedroom, a keepsake that celebrates the first big day of thier lives!

I am lauching a new site selling only my personalised baby art into the Irish market - I have found that there is a big interest for my personalised baby products, I think a dedicated site selling these products will be help my Irish customers shopping experience on my site. Popular products I will be selling are-  Christening Art ,  Personalised Wall Plaques ,  Name Nursery Mobiles ,  Personalised Height Charts I look forward to you visiting us at
Illustrated Map Of New York An exciting time of year for my licensing programme!  My agent Alicia Dauber  , L icensing Liaison   will be exhibiting my work at Surtex May 19-21, 2013 Surtex ā€“ Booth #74, Jacob Javits, NYC We are interested in a licensing opportunities. See you in New York!