Competition Winners

Well my competition was just great! I could never believe I would get such an interest and such wonderful comments about my work. I realized quite quickly that I wouldn't be able to choose a winner and asked a mummy/work colleague to choose the winners. She decided on these five (it was meant to be four!). I will also give a 10% discount to the other contestants. So, thank you all for entering and here are the five winners and their entry comments!
I'd love one of your free prints...please please! It's my birthday tomorrow (and at 32, I must be one of your oldest fan!) would be a great pressie!
I'm a kids teacher over here in sunny Thailand. Your poster would look awesome on my classroom wall. The colours are knockout. Please! Please! Make my classroom more beautiful and put a smile on my students faces.
I have used several of your prints to decorate my son and daughter's rooms. Jacob's favorite is Circus Lion: Roar, and Hallie's favorite is Mrs. Octopus. I love your use of bright colors, and how your art protrays a sense of fun and silliness. My children love waking up to the sight of something so cheerful each morning. Your zebra print would fit right in with the art my children already have....however, I would like, if I was one of the lucky recipients, to display this print in my classroom. I teach severely disabled preschool-aged children (ages 3-5). I am working on redecorating my classroom, making it more visually fun and interesting, and using art work to inspire kids to create works of their own. Your zebra print would be a great way to start that process. Thanks for considering my competition request! Laurie--mom and teacher
I'm a very lucky aunty,
I have a new niece you see.
Her name is Laura Wills
And she's as gorgeous as can be.
She has amazing eyes and a beautiful smile
And when she looks up at me
My heart skips a beat for a while.
She has a big sister Jenny,
Who loves her lots and lots
She smothers her hugs and kisses
and tries to feed her jelly tots!!!!
So for Laura's bedroom the zebra's would be treat
And when she looks up at it,
She can smile and remember me.
1. I love it, if I didn't why would I apply for this.
2. The illustration is really cute.
3. I can't find anything like it here.
4. I accidentally linked to your blog via Mundo and really love it.
5. Not my fault if I love it, your illustrations do.
6. There are 6 zebras there.
7. I think that prints going to look really cool at my bedroom.
8. and I think, I'll be able to showing it off to my little nephews &
9. Because I just can't copy paste the JPEG from your website and print it
on my own, cause it doesn't taste original; while I prefer the original
10. I love colors.
11. Zebra smells bad but those in this print must be smells good.
12. Today is 5th of June, just a day before the competition ends.
13. There's a name of yours under the butt of the sitting zebra.
14. I'm amazed by how strong your name does, that it can hold on a zebra.
15. I wonder, do zebra celebrate its sweet sixteen?
16. Zebra most mysterious thing is : is it a white dwarf horse with black
stripes or a black dwarf horse with white stripes?
17. Do you know Marty from Dreamworks' Madagascar movie? He is my favorite
character in that movie.
18. Thanks to this Zebra prints competition, I'm getting to know much more
of zebra's interesting facts by browsing it, based on my curiosity.
19. HOAA! Guess what? It says, "Some zebras have brown stripes!" wow o_O, so
it ruins the children's mindset about zebra being black and white.
20. I don't know why I'm writing this, but just feel to share it. Another
fact, "In the wild, zebras live about 20-30 years; up to 40 years at zoos."
21. I've watched "Racing Stripes", starring Hayden Panetirre; also ever
watched a zebra racing with the best running athlete in "Man VS Beast" and
the zebra wins. It proves that zebra does running really fast.
22. I'm 23 years old this year and the zebra print would be a great present,
wouldn't it?
23. There are 24 blooming flowers in that print.
24. I'm supposed to be working right now, but I really need to write these
reasons just so I'll have the chance to win one.
25. Oh, I'm a graphic designer anyway, who doesn't have talent in drawing
and that's why I admire any good drawings/illustrations.
26. Of course, I'll appreciate your art and take a good care of it.
27. You don't have to worry about its safety. It'll be save with me.
28. I've even already have a thought of its inside a glassy white frame.
29. If I win one of it, I'll take pictures with it and publish it in my
30. Number thirty is a perfect number for having a lunch break.
31. ------ going for lunch.
32. ------ ordering a meal.
33. ------ munch. munch. munch.
34. ------ pay the bill.
35. ------ back to work.
36. Okay, let's continue with the reasons.
37. So, there are 4 zebra prints to give away, if I win, I only take 1/4
from the whole 4 prints. :D
38. Those zebras are chubby, so do I.
39. They also have long hair, so do I.
40. Zebra is one of mammal, so do I.
41. I feel more alike with them now.
42. I'm gambling my luck on these zebras.
43. If I had an insomnia at night, by looking through those zebras' stripes
on the prints I'm going to hang on my wall, I might got hypnotized and will
easily get sleep.
44. So, that print not only make my bedroom prettier but will also save my
45. Because elephants would be too huge.
46. I could never own a zebra.
47. More people are going to be happier, when they see your illustration
through my room.
48. I wonder... after the whole office hour writing about zebra beside
working, will I dream about zebra with a tie and pencil on his ear working
in front of a stone table? hahaha....
49. Hey, thanks for reading this far, just another 1 more.
50. Won't 50 reasons is enough for me to win?
Some great comments Carla. You deserve it your work is great. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteThank you Paul, your comment is much appreciated.