Finding A Home

The Twitches- Gert

I have spent a lot of time thinking about my work this weekend (in between potty training!). Agents are really on my mind at the moment, I have written recently about trying to get a licensing agent for my work. Now, I have to say, agents get me nervous. I have had a few different agents over the years, when I first left college I quickly got an agent based in London. I thought, that's it, I have made it! Well how wrong I was, she did get me one of the most enjoyable jobs I ever illustrated - The Twitches books for Roy Apps. Unfortunately her agency was in decline and it took me a while to realise this. I then moved onto another London agent but by this time I was getting more work in the UK and America than they were getting for me. I remember the lady saying to me - You are one of those rare illustrators that can sell your work better than an agent! (Her exact words) So agents have always frustrated me

Gert's twin sister Lil.
( They really look a like, don't they?)

Some advice I would give to any new illustrator out there - keep on top of your agent and don't be shy to call them and see what they are doing with your work, how they are promoting it etc. They can take on lots of illustrators it doesn't mean they are promoting them all. Also don't pay them any money!

It took my husband (a software engineer) to encourage me to open my online shop that I really finally felt I had found a home for my work. Unfortunately sometimes you get a little dissatisfied at staying home, now I am thinking of venturing out to rediscover the agent world. I love creating children's art for my shop and my sales are great but I would love to see my art for children on products other than paper. This time I am looking for a children's licensing agent not an illustrators agent, it should be interesting!


  1. Very nice use of color here. I like the way the different shades of purple are used in contrast with the black

  2. Yes, looking for any kind of agent can be very interesting. Personally, I am not looking forward to looking for a literary agent for my writing. I wish I had the kind of selling talent that you have.


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